Saturday 1 January 2022

Happy New Year

Happy New Year Everyone...  .. The weather for the last week and more  has been a combination of  grey  skies constant rain and gales  .The rain ceased yesterday morning- New Years Eve -  the sun made an appearance  .  Making the most of the dry day I hiked up in to hills . It turned out to be a false dawn weather wise  . I got absolutely drenched in monsoon type conditions  . Hiking over to Cefn Rhondda  10km there and back.  Trekking over the top of the mountain then along the forest road into intermittent thick fog that hung over the  bronze age site magically transforming  a very wet Saturday into an awesome experience . 

Stay Safe..

Cairn 1 aligned with Cairn no 2 .

Cairn no 2  (( SS99279629)

Birch Polypore 

Cairn 3  ..50 metres  from Cairns 1& 2 

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